Are you new to forró and wondering what you need to know to get started? What are the key steps and practices for building a strong foundation?
In this blog, I’ll walk you through the essentials for any beginner forró dancer: the fundamental steps, how to develop a solid base, and how to evolve in your journey.
I’ve also designed a special 2-hour class to recap the core skills and movements that all my beginner students should understand and master before moving on to more advanced levels. (There is a link at the end of this article)
As you’ll see, learning the movements is just part of the process! The "how" is the true key to building a strong forró foundation.
How to feel the music and dance in time?
How to connect with your partner?
How to skillfully manage weight transfer?
How to lead and follow effectively?
It’s less about what movements you’re doing and more about how you do them.
So, this is the beginners checklist for forró dancers:
Be able to find the tempo, regardless of the speed or style.
Be able to identify the downbeat (the strong beat) in each musical bar.
Match the rhythms in the music with the 3-step forró patterns.
Dance in time, in a way that feels musical and natural.
Maintain good posture (upright but relaxed, not tense or forced).
Begin with a neutral style and body language.
Followers: Try to dance on the balls of your feet and avoid high heels for better balance and control. (this is not mandatory, but can be a great skill to have)
Know the traditional forró embrace position (details covered in class).
Keep the embrace light, avoiding unnecessary or unwanted pressure.
Use full-body contact, but with a comfortable and balanced connection.
Take responsibility for your own weight and the weight of your arms.
Apply appropriate frontal core energy/pressure in the embrace.
Be respectful and empathetic towards your partner.
Always seek reciprocity when it comes to personal space.
Never be forceful in leading or following.
Be aware of how to move your body weight from side to side, front to back, or diagonally, while staying in control.
Maintain balance during basic movements, avoiding stepping too far back or shifting your weight entirely to your back leg. This can cause you to lose balance, fall out of rhythm, or rely too much on your partner for support.
Side basic step in 1 or 2 tempos (either with 1 or 3 steps).
Front and back basic steps.
Back step (for open position).
Be able to transition smoothly between these basic steps.
Transition between close and open positions seamlessly.
Execute a clockwise turn in close position (at least 180 degrees).
Perform a circular side displacement in open position.
Execute a simple turn.
Practice a cycle of simple turns with hand variations.
Practice a cycle of simple turns without contact.
A complete class!
"The beginners checklist for forró dancers"
Do you want to learn more about all these topics?
This full class is available as a bonus of the beginners online course.
About the author
Rafael Piccolotto de Lima is an experienced teacher. He is passionate about arts, a doctor of musical arts, and a Latin Grammy nominee as a composer. For him, all forms of expression are somehow related. Based on that premise, his interest and work have a wide spectrum: from a tail tux at a concert hall, to the dance shoes at a worn-out dance floor. Born in Campinas, São Paulo - Brazil, now he lives at the NYC area, teaches weekly forró classes in Manhattan and produces some of the best forró festivals in north-america.
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