Online forró? Distance forró?
Is there such a thing?
You might be thinking that this makes no sense, specially because one of the most important elements of forró is its social aspect, the partner dance. But extreme situations call for creative alternatives! In the midst of a global health crisis because of the Coronavirus, we should dance accordingly... by ourselves!

We all know that many people look for learning resouces and inspiration online, and that it is possible to follow many of the most respected professionals of any kind of field on social media. Videos of performances, classes and workshops are available online. Our own YouTube channel is a good example of this.
Technology allow us to have this new kind of interaction. Now, more than ever, the internet becomes a great alternative to continue our learning process, and to keep our physical and mental health. Dance - and arts in general - are wonderful ways to keep our body and mind active.
The bad news are that you will hardly have that warm embrace that the partner dance provides - unless you live with your partner - but you will be able to practice your creativity, musicality and technique.
Many forró professionals are looking for online alternatives to continue their teaching and interaction with their students and dance communities. This is my case: starting this week I will teach real time online class to make up for the regular Wednesday classes that I usually teach in Manhattan. The upside of this alternative is that people who would normally not be able to participate in my classes because of location now will have the opportunity to do so.
If we look at the big picture it is also important to consider that independent art professionals, such as musicians, dancers, teachers and performers of all kinds will be among the most affected by the current situation of physical distancing. The continuity of classes and cultural events online will be - besides all benefits to participants - of great importance for the social and economic lives of these professionals.
Now, more than ever, I will commit to create content for our website, Youtube channel and other social media platforms. Visit and follow us! We already have a lot of content available and much more will be posted in the upcoming weeks!
Let's use all our creativity during the this historic home isolation time! Let's listen to music, dance, move our body and challenge ourself with new things. All this will help our physical and mental well being, making our imune system stronger!
Write to and join this history!
Visit our Forró Online Class for more information.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Rafael Piccolotto de Lima is passionate about arts, a doctor of musical arts and a Latin Grammy nominee as a composer. For him all forms of expressions are somehow related. Based on that premise, his interest and work has a wide spectrum: from a tail tux at a concert hall, to dance shoes at a worn-out dance floor. Born in Campinas, São Paulo - Brazil, now he lives at the Hudson waterfront, looking at the south of Manhattan.
Revised by Carolina Alvarez.